Monday, February 20, 2012

Pure Works

My son, Jordan, is in this short video.  He's the one in the blue shirt and tie. 
He and his friends are hoping the Pure Works company will use the ads to promote the product.

Would YOU believe these three yay-hoos?


Doran & Jody said...

Wow! Now that's a bass voice!
Good luck with Pure Works!

Ginger said...

I was NOT expecting such a low voice! Wow! He reminds me of the guy who sings the low, low bass from the Oak Ridge Boys! "Doo wampa, doo, wampa, mow, mow!" haha...

He should be a radio announcer!

CB said...

I too have to comment on the voice - So deep - I would love to hear him sing!!

He is a handsome devil too!!

I hope the video works for them :-D

StitchinByTheLake said...

Okay he's a doll! I loved the ending...putting the bottle on his bicep was sheer genius! Blessings, Marlwnw

gigi said...

How handsome and I love his deep voice!

Joanie said...

Wow, Jordan is quite the salesman, as he sounds and looks great. I am so happy that my computer allowed me to watch the video. I am wishing them lots of luck.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

OK, that was cute!

Sign me up.

karen said...

Your son has a broadcasting voice! I would believe them because I've actually used Pure Works. We have it on hand here at the house - it's the best product! When I worked in an office, I bought an entire case of the stuff (both the foam and the lotion) for our sales reps as they are in the hospital and doctor's offices all the time. It really does the job while saving your skin.

ps - you called them Yay-hoos... I haven't heard that term from anyone besides my dad. And he's a Utah boy, so I guess that is it's origin.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Jordan is the only real man in that video!

Kerin said...

I've never heard of Pure Works, so... I guess their ad worked :)

Julie Harward said...

You have beautiful kids..he is cute and wow, what a voice! :D

Gerb said...

He has a voice for radio and a face for television!

Grandma Honey said...

Is that Jordan's real voice?? Wow. He could probably get a job in broadcasting the minute he opens his mouth. Incredible.

Hannah Jones said...

Love it! Jordan could apply to be the next All State insurance guy! :)