Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Looked Out the Window and What Did I See...

I've got you singin' in your head about now, right?  Well, you should be because I did see popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

This was taken last week.

This is the tree right now.

You may or may not remember my post about my apricot tree last summer.  It's bigger than our house and just as decorated!  I was begging people to take the golden orbs so I wouldn't have to feel guilty for tossing the excess.

Some people took me up on the offer but when they came to do some picking, they were sorry.  One lady lamented that she thought she'd only be picking for 15 minutes and just have to stand on the ground.  She brought her 14 year old son but he didn't want to climb the ladder because of high anxiety! 

google image
It doesn't bother me to get on that towering ladder to pick apricots for the partakers!  As long as the apricots are gone, I'll risk life and limb.
When the "pickers" leave with only 4 boxes filled with apricots, I beg them to take 4 more!  I fall on my knees to show my sincerity then realize i'm kneeling in 3 inches of apricot squash. 
My hubs has suggested spraying the tree to prevent the blossoms from turning into fruit.  That seems immoral.   If the fruit was curbed naturally, I'd feel better.  It's supposed to freeze tonight.  Maybe I won't have to worry about adding to my supply of apricot jam, apricot syrup, apricot nectar, dried apricots, apricot leather and apricot pictures! (I sound like Bubba from Forrest Gump!)
I'll let you know what happens.  If the frost doesn't rid the tree of its fruit, you better keep your doors locked, because I'll be doing a drop-and-run to those who live close to me!


CB said...

First!! Cause it's cool n stuff!!

CB said...

I think your tree is gorgeous and I am amazed that you have popcorn on it already, especially since you had snow last week. That is great!

Kristina P. said...

We had cherry trees in high school. I HATED those darn things. We had to pick them and pit them, so my mom could make jam and stuff.

Valerie said...

Beautiful!!!! I can imagine how an excess of apricots wouldn't be so gorgeous, but what a wonderful thing to have in your yard.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is a tall apricot tree! Yikes.

Ya, I didn't look out the window to see the popcorn popping this morning. Ugh.

Hope you get tonz of apricots anywayz cause they make nummy jam!

Tracy said...

Seriously!! You already have "Popcorn" on your tree?!!! You guys are like a month ahead of us!!

You are just too funny!! Once again, I love your sense of humor!!

Julie said...

I can't believe your tree is already blooming! It's so pretty!!

I will be the first person over the second you say "who wants some fruit?!" NO JOKE. And I'll bring you bribes, too. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am starting to see lots of little blossoms! I love it.

Mikki said...

anything but straight canned apricots. I hated those growing up. I don't mind some apricot jam though, you can send some my way!

Yvonne said...

LOL at the Bubba comment ; )

I can't wait to see blossoms here. I know it won't be much longer.

That is one HUGE apricot tree.

gigi said...

Wish I lived a little closer, I'd take 8 boxes :)

Anonymous said...

oh how i would love an apricot tree. i keep getting voted down cause i am the only one in the fam. that likes them. i may just have to come and climb that giant ladder and pick a few! oh how i love the blossoming trees this time of year. and it's also time to teach my 1 year old grandson the popcorn primary song!

Camille said...

BBQ apricots...mashed apricots... apricot syrup... apricot gumbo... such a versatile fruit! But I do love the blossoms! welcome spring!

Ann Marie said...

Those blossoms make me happy!

The only thing I like from Apricots is fruit leather.. YUM!

Maile Fano said...

I LOVE apricots fresh, but not so much canned. I love the jam and nectar though. It all sounds so yummy and the tree is so beautiful with all the blossoms!

Cheeseboy said...

Apricot shrimp?! Now that I'd eat.

wendy said...

I had an apricot tree in my yard in West Jordan. BIG tree. I loved the blossoms!!!!-----HATED THE FRUIT PRODUCE.
I mean, I like me a good apricot now and then....but I hear ya about the bucket loads.
and then when they fall on the ground and get all squishy and the hornets buzz around.
such a mess....that's when I cursed them

We even tried spraying them so the blossoms would NOT produce. But you have to get the spray on at 'just the right time'' can't be wet....and it seemed like when the blooms were FULL it'd be rainy or windy, so the spray wouldn't do any good.

I am running off at the mouth again....just like a prolific dang apricot tree

Nana said...

My tree blossoms were all out when it froze so bad last week. We will see what happens. Between the frost, deer and squirrels that is.

Small House said...

You're like the zuchinni neighbor, only with fruit!! HOWEVER....I'm a little jealous of the blossoms. We're not there yet. Still to cold. ENJOY the blossoms!!

Christine Jensen said...

If you ever make your way up to Syracuse during apricot season, I will gladly take several boxes off of your hands :)

Michelle said...

Ooooo, I'm jealous! We love fruit of any kind but apricots... oh apricots! Yum! What about apricot kuchen - you didn't mention that one ;) Such a shame I'm not closer. I'd take lots and lots from you!

Valerie said...

Most people run from the zucchini lady, but I don't think I could run from the Apricot Lady. Mmmm....

Heather said...

Speaking of songs that remind you of memories, "Pop Corn Popping on the Apricot Tree" is one of my daughter's favorites. She loves to do the actions.

I wouldn't mind have some apricots. Maybe I will learn to do jam. So if you need to get rid of some. I will take some but I am terrified of tall ladders.

Kimmie said...

Connie I have missed you!! Your posts are always SO uplifting and funny and I always leave with a "Smile"!!

You don't know how LUCKY you are to have an apricot tree that gives you an abundance of fruit and that you are enjoying blossoms right now!!

I am jealous of this tree of yours and I hope that someday one of our fruit trees we planted will be so generous with their fruit as your tree is!

Hope you are having a HAPPY day enjoying the beauty that Spring has brought to your yard!