Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting Ready for Kindergarten, Modesty, and Misunderstanding

Five-year-old Cy went to the doctor for his kindergarten check-up and immunizations.  He wasn't happy about the shots, especially when the nurse told him he had to pull his pants down to his knees.   He got 4 shots; one in each leg and in each arm!  That's cruel and unusual punishment! 

Later that night, Mom told Mr. Cy and seven-year-old Miss Em to put on their pajamas.  Cy reminded her that he needed to remove the band-aids covering his shots.  Mom, who was nursing the baby at the time, told him to come to her and she'd take the band-aids off for him. 
He looked at Em then back at his mother, "Mom," he said confidentially, "remember? I got the shots in my private area?"  
With wide eyes, Em said in horror, "He got shots in his nipple?" 


Yvonne said...

4 shots--poor little guy.

Love Em's comment--too cute.

Natasha in Oz said...

I feel so sorry for him! Imagine getting 4 needles in one day. I hope he got some extra special treats and cuddles! Please send him a big Aussie G'day from me!

Best wishes,

gigi said...

Oh, gosh, that's cute! Little minds come up with the funniest stuff. 4 shots is a lot to take at one time, I hate it for them. Our 5 year old goes next week for the same thing, ugh...

Anonymous said...

That is just too cute! Kids are absolutely the best!

Sorry about the shots and I hope the rest of his preparation for kindergarten is less painful.

Tracy said...

Too cute!! Not the 4 shots, though!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...


Ya, I'm all about being that kind of nurse that gives that many shots.
Poor nurse will be forever etched on this kiddos memory.
We're not so liked.

Cute comment by the little grownup. Private area....I hope she's keeping a book of the hilarious things he says.

bj said...

I laughed sooo hard at her typical 6 year old question!! I am sure, to her, a nipple is about the most private part of the body. So funny....and so cute.

Poor little fella to have to get 4 shots at one time. Better, tho, than catching something awful.

Give them both a big kiss for me!!
xo bj

Melissa Miller said...

Oh my goodness that is just too cute! He's a prcious little guy. :)

Barbaloot said...

Poor kids with the shots!! At least they're usually young enough to forget it, right?

CB said...

HA Ha - Oh that is funny..nipple :D And how cute is it that he is already feeling modest in front of his big sister!

They do give kids an awful lot of shots these days - I guess it is for their own good. He's a trooper.

Nana said...

Shots in the nipples. That makes me wince!!!! I think mom better do some more private parts talking. LOL. Kids are hilarious.

Kristina P. said...

Oh, very cute! And painful!

Ann Marie said...

What a cutie!
Kids are seriously so truthfully funny!

Anonymous said...

tooooo funny! and OUCH- a nipple shot!

Julie Harward said...

LOL...that is funny! But, the poor little guy! I feel sorry for him...come say hi :D

Natalie said...

Poor little guy getting all those shots. Handsome little fellow. I absolutely loved teaching kndg. It was my favorite, although I sometimes think other classes were my favorite too.:)
I laughed at the story of the private parts.
Looks like you had such a wonderful Easter with all the grandkids, egg hunt, gen. conf. etc.
Here in France and Belgium we cannot get cream of anything soups. I am copying your recipe though because it sound so yummy.
I can't wait to meet you sometime at the end of the year.

The Newest Mexicans said...

Yeah, so you can't say NIPPLE on the internet!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey, I agree with Em. That is pretty private!

Michelle said...

ouch! I can't imagine getting a shot THERE. I have a feeling doctors' offices would be even more empty if that were the case ;)

I'm just impressed that he agreed to have the band aids removed at all. In our house, once they go on, it's a fight to take them off ever!

Jenny said...

Ouch! I take my Grands for those four shot series. Holy moly.

What a cute little guy!

Thanks for sharing this cute post!