Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tulip Festival

Last night we went to Thanksgiving Point with my daughter and her family to see the gorgeous tulips!   It's a beautiful place with rolling hills, grass, flowers, fountains, pond, waterfall and wildlife!  The tulips are blossoming at 40% so there's still time to enjoy. I had a hard time choosing what pictures I wanted to post.

The hyacinths and daffodils are plentiful and beautiful!

An interesting tulip.

Kels got a ring pop from Jeanette.

  Can you guess the color?

A favorite activity on this hill is rolling down and down and down.  I felt foolish but it was sure fun! ;D

The waterfall was surprising!  I didnt expect to see such a cascade as this! 

The pond is stocked with Coy Fish of vibrant colors.

  This owl is nesting near the waterfall.

The Divine Miss Em posing under the flowerless arbor.

Baby Aly having a little refreshment during our visit.

 Mr. Cy stopped running long enough to pose for a picture.

I told Kels to "work it" and this was one of her poses by the fountain.

Jordan and Chelsey being shown the way out by Kels.

We had an enjoyable expedition!  If you're in the Lehi area, check it out!  The cost is $10.00 a person unless you're with a member, then it's half price.  We were with members. If you feel that's too costly, you can come to my house.  I have 5 clumps of tulips in my yard, a cat and a hose.  I'll charge only $3.00. 

Sidenote: I have a new Sony Cybershot camera!   Can you tell a difference?


CB said...

Connie your pictures turned out gorgeous...darling...gorgeous!
Those tulips are SO beautiful. Every year I wish I could go to the Tulip Festival either there or in Washington state but I have not made it yet.
I LOVE that you rolled down the hill - You still got it!! Ha ha
Your grandchildren/Family are all beautiful and I think that makes a super fun family night!!

CB said...

And just for the record...FIRST!! Ha Ha (wink0)

Rebecca said...

Oh I miss this every year. Will it still be wonderful this weekend? I want a promise! =)

Julie Harward said...

I love that place but I have not been there in a long time, looks like they have added a lot! Love your pictures...we don't even get tulips here for awhile yet. Kids are all so cute and a new great! Come say hi :D

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great photos! I haven't been there forever.

Ann Marie said...

Did you seriously roll down the hill?


I have always wanted to go to this.. and wondered the cost.

LOVED the pictures!

Mikki said...

I seriously need to move back to Utah. There's nothing awesome here like that. Only casinos and beige dirt-blech!
Beautiful pics, all of them. Baby is ADORABLE!!!!

Connie said...

No, I didn't really roll down the hill. Looked like fun but I contained myself. That's why I had the smiley face by my comment. ;D

Erin Ann said...

As long as it's only $3, I guess we should come visit :) Too funny. The pictures are wonderful - you're such a talent!

Tracy said...

I so want to go!! I wish I lived closer or just had the time to come to Utah just for the tulip festival. What fun!!!! :-)

LOVE the pictures!!

gigi said...

Wow what a great post! New camera is doing the trick, your pics are wonderful, but then pictures of kids and GRAND~kids are always great pictures.

I'll come see your 5 clumps, cat and water hose and YOU! That would be a fun treat. I've only been to Thanksgiving Point once. Next time I'm in the state of utah I should stop by there.

Julie said...

you ROCK for rolling down that hill!

Kerin said...

Good Morning Connie!
Love your pictures of the tulip festival. A few years ago, my sweet husband and I went and we thought it was gorgeous. Sure inspired me to get working on my cutting garden!
I tried your yummy chicken cordon bleu recipe last night. It was a hit! My sweetheart made me promise to make it again...and soon :)
I think it's great that you had two missionaries out at the same time also! We have been blessed with buckets and buckets of blessings, to be sure!! We sure do miss them though. We have 3 children, and so when they both left, it was like our family almost disappeared !
I love your blog! I'm going to add it to my list.
Hope you're having a great day today and doing something fun!

Barbaloot said...

My cousin went the other day and said there were hardly any tulips blooming at that point. Good to know they're up and beautiful now:)

Valerie said...

Congrats on the new camera! It looks like you already have the hang of it and are taking beautiful photos. I've never been to the tulip festival even though I love tulips. We were a member one year, but just didn't go during that time. Now that my children are all in school, we don't get over there are often as we used to.

Linda said...

Whenever I see someone's pictures of Thanksgiving Point, I'm in awe!
It looks like a beautiful place, and especially now with all of the gorgeous tulips! Just gorgeous!

You rolled down the hill, how fun! Good for go girl!

Your family is beautiful!

Yvonne said...

That must have been a beautiful visit. I love tulips.

Great job on the pictures.

Chelsey said...

This was so fun! Love the pictures. That new camera is sure nice!

Melissa Miller said...

What beautiful family photos Connie! The tulips are gorgeous as well.

*Blessings & Smiles* ~Melissa :)


That was fun! Thanks for coming with us. Great pictures!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

A cat and a hose..........that's hilarious.

Those are some great pictures. I have heard about this festival. Looks like you had a great time!

Heather said...

You charge $3, that is hilarious! What beautiful pictures! That waterfall is pretty impressive! I haven't been to the larger gardens there but I did have my bridles taken in on of the smaller gardens and that was beautiful! Glad you had a good time!

Kimmie said...

YAY for your new camera. Your photos are gorgeous and amazing!! I think more than anything else my camera is my favorite possession I own.

Such a FUN and gorgeous evening. I love all of your comments under your photos. I hope someday to get to meet you because your humor is second to none! (jealous that you, Ann Marie, Cherie and Sandra got to meet each other over Conference weekend...I bet it was SO much fun!)

I bet your kid and grand-kids just love you! Thanks for brightening my day with such gorgeous beauty as our trees are barely just starting to open up their leaves and the tulips are no where near blooming.

You captured your night PERFECTLY with your photos you took. Hopefully, this Monday night is just as gorgeous and fun for you and your family!!