Friday, April 2, 2010

A Moment of Fame

 Jill, will be on Studio 5 today!  She'll be modeling some clothes and accessories from Tai Pan!  Tune in at 11:00 a.m., if you're in the Salt Lake viewing area, and see my beautiful daughter!

There are some brave little soldiers outside my front door.

Welcome to Spring in Utah!

Hope you brave this winter weather and enjoy your Easter weekend!


mysteryhistorymom said...

How exciting, Connie! I wish I could watch! I know you are so proud!:) Lori

Tracy said...

How cool is that?!!! Wish I could see it!!!

Valerie said...

How fun! If I'm home at that time, I'll deinitely watch.

Inouyes said...

Yay! I always knew she was the Model type after 2 kids and she looks like that Skinny & Amazing :)

Kristina P. said...

Crap! I am at work early today, so I can't set my DVR. :(

gigi said...

Whoo hoo, for Jill!!

sorry about the snow on your pretty flowers :(

Julie Harward said...

Yup..thats why I don't even bother to plant them here, they don't have a chance. I will tune in to see your daughter..thats really cool! Have a great conf. weekend and come say hi :F (my new post is not showing on blog lists)

Yvonne said...

Darn, if I had just gone to Utah yesterday with my hubby I could watch ; (

I went out running this morning and it was raining, came in and soon after it started hailing, and we're supposed to get snow as the day goes on. I was pretty spoiled in the last week or so with nice weather--I guess that's what Spring is all about.

Barbaloot said...

Ooh-Tai Pan. Love that store these days!

Wish I were home and could watch. Hope she has fun.

Valerie said...

I saw her! It's too bad that camerman wasn't paying attention or something and cut her off! And she didn't get to stay out long. I hope she had fun. She looked great. What a nice looking family you have.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh! If I'd known I would have set the magical DVR. Shucks...

Valerie said...

I live a couple hours north of you and we were BLASTED with a blizzard!! I was so excited to have all the snow finally melted and WHAM!! 6 more inches (about) in my backyard again. *heavy sigh* Spring probably won't start until June...