Monday, April 26, 2010

You must first dial the area code...

Is everybody used to adding the area code to our phone numbers? 

When we first switched over, I would forget to add the area code then I'd have to dial the phone number twice to reach my party.  (Don't you love the word party?  Do you remember the party lines?)  At first it was a nuisance, but now it's just part of life.  No biggee.  Dialing 10 numbers to get the person next door is OK now.

The other day I was in a cleaning frenzy.  The junk treasure drawer in my dresser was calling my name.  I pulled the drawer out, and proceeded to remove the contents. 

It was then I saw this fan.

This is a cardboard, foldable fan that belonged to my sweet grandmother.  I know it was hers because she put her name on the back.  (She probably didn't want some greedy granddaughter taking it!) 

I turned the fan over and saw this.


Check out the phone number!  There must not have been many people in Ogden at that time (whatever that time was!) 

Knowing what they had to work with, I realize that we can "dial" our 10 digit phone numbers faster than they could dial their 4! 
Fair trade?


Julie Harward said...

The world has changed hasn't it?! I remember a black phone even older than that one and the party line. :D

Cheeseboy said...

I could memorize twice as many numbers if they were only four digits long.

And no, I am not used to the 3 extra digit.

Karen Mello Burton said...

A manual dial phone? Yipes. I remember having those as a kid. Push button corded phones were so modern!

Kristina P. said...

That is awesome!

I am used to the area code thing, because I make a lot of calls at work. I still have not encountered anyone with this supposed new area code.

gigi said...

What new area code did yall get?
I remember party lines, that is a fun memory. I loved the old black dial phones. We really thought we were up town when we got a yellow push button wall mount phone!

Tracy said...

Isn't life interesting?!! I remember only dialing 4 digits and rotary phones. I could tell you all kinds of good "phone" Dad worked for Mountain Bell back in the day before modern technology!! ;-)

FUN memories...

Kelly said...

We have to do ten digits here. It's been a thing for some time I think. So I will be a victim of that push button disease Mrs Jetson had much sooner than you guys.

PS I had relatives in Ogden in that decade too. My mother was from there. Her parents were the Fronks. I don't know what their 4 digit number was though.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

What a treasure!

We used to live in Mackay Idaho..."where the heck is that?"

Anywayz we had a party line with 3 other people and we only dialed 4 numbers.

Typing that makes it sound like a billion years ago, but really it was only 25.

Teachinfourth said...

It was by far a simpler time, wasn't it?

Sometimes these 'treasures' are quite the find...

Amy said...

I miss the sound of that old rotary dial! It was always fun to see how fast you could dial without getting the wrong number!

CB said...

My Nana had a black rotary phone just like the one in your picture. I loved that phone when I was a kid. I loved dialing each number and watching the wheel slide back around. Kind of miss those days.
I rarely have to use an area code so I am not quite sure what you are talking about - Maybe it is because we live in Idaho where there is not much population?

Anyway, I am just glad to have my cell phone - no dialing I just touch a name :D

Yvonne said...

I'm sitting here laughing because Cherie said her Nana had a phone just like that--so did I. I guess that means I'm as old as her Nana ; )

We don't have to dial area codes unless it's to a city that's about an hour away.

Ann Marie said...

No.. I am not used to the 10 digit dialing yet.. and I seriously want that phone for my house.. soo cute!

Mikki said...

Ok, that fan is awesome! What a sweet find.
We don't have to dial the area code here, thank goodness--well, unless we're calling out of state. I guess we're just not big enough yet.

Camille said...

We scoff at the rotary dial phones, while "generation Y" scoffs at the huge cells phones we started out with!!

Either way, I'm still not liking 10 digit phone #'s. Let's start a petition to go back to 4! :)

Melissa Miller said...

Connie that is so neat to discover! I love the pretty fan. :)

Kerin said...

Good Morning Sweet Pea!
What a great find. I remember when we lived in A.F , that for a time we just had to dial the last four digits. It was great!
When I was a kid, the lady on our party line was super cranky.
LOVE that you have a junk drawer. I really couldn't live with out mine (I know, cause I tried once)!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. You are too kind.
Have a gorgeous day and enjoy the sun ! :)
p.s Us folks living here in the country still have to dial 7 digits.

Barbaloot said...

How cool. And can I just say-I miss those rotating phones. I'd be willing to have them back even if I do have to do 10 numbers. They're awesome.

Julie said...

I love that piece of history! When I was at Ricks, we only used 5 digits. 6-XXXX or 9-XXXX. And that wasn't that long ago!! (1994) :)

Brenda said...

hellllooo!!! I can remember in our ittle town only having to dial 5 #'s...not even 10 years ago! I can also remember having to talk to my fiance (who was at BYU) in front of EVERYONE because the phone was attached to the wall in the kitchen and had a 2 foot cord...oh some changes are good!

Kimmie said...

So, sweet your little treasure fan from your grandma! (lucky you that you get that treasure).

I LOVED the old dial phones and miss the good ole' days.

I remember when I was a little girl only having to dial 4 numbers to call people in our town.

It's amazing how time flies and how things change LOTS!

I had no idea people in Utah had to dial the area code. Here in not-so-populated Idaho, we never have to dial the area code unless we are calling out of state.

Enjoy your day and thanks for the fun read!

Jenny said...

I remember the dial phones! We had a yellow on mounted on the wall in our home. Mother bought a really long twisty cord to stretch out, so she could sit in the living room to talk on the it. Sweet memories.

Heather said...

I am still getting used to the 10 digits myself. I agree it is funny to have to dial 10 digits for the next door neighbor. Good thing we don't have to use that old phone!

I love the fan! It is beautiful! How fun that it was your grandmother's.

Valerie said...

Don't forget in those days that we were "tied" to the phone and the farthest we could walk from the base was only as far as that cord would let us go.

When my visiting teacher calls me and wants me to call her back, she only says the last 4 digits of her phone number. It always cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

Aww, your fan reminded me of little folding fans I used to collect because my grandma loved them. I had 2 like this kind you pictured here. Fond memories of simpler times. Thanks.