Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust!

Today I have two heart-affecting items.  One that is very sad and is cause for mourning, the other that is happy.  I choose to report the happy!

Jordan proposed to Chelsey last night.  Her answer was yes! 

These pictures were taken at the tulip festival last month.  The Divine Miss Em has to get in on the picture.

I hope Chelsey realizes that when she marries Jordan,

the whole family comes with him!

Good luck!

One last squeeze from Miss Kels for her new aunt!

Congratulations!  We love you both!


Julie Harward said...

That is wonderful! She looks like a beautiful girl inside as well as on the outside! :D

Kerin said...

Congratulations !!!!
I wish them all the best!! When is the big day??? Will it be a summer wedding??
Thanks for sharing your good news with us Connie!! I have been thinking a lot about all of our kids being gone at the same time and feeling a bit at odds and then I read your blog, and remember that one day in the future, we will add to our family, and then it won't feel so much like the incredible shrinking family :)

What ever your sad news is.... I send you hugs.
Hope you have a great weekend too.

Kelly said...

What wonderful news. Good luck getting over the bad news too.

CB said...

Well that is VERY happy news!!!

I am sure that she realizes the whole family comes along and I am betting she is jumping for joy!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh congratulations to the beautiful couple! And for the exciting future ahead of them.

Blessings & Aloha!
(thank you so much for stopping by!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a happy milestone with so much to look forward to! Enjoy the new family members! :)

Yvonne said...

Congratulations to Jordan and Chelsey. So exciting.

Hugs regarding your sad news.

Kristina P. said...

Well yay for good news to balance the bad.

Nana said...

How fantastic! She'll realize soon enough she gets the whole bunch of you.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is wonderful.
She's a darling girl. I think
she'll fit in beautifully!

Cheeseboy said...

Very cool. Congratulations to both of you.

gigi said...

She is sure a cute girl with a beautiful smile. I think she'll fit right in with your crowd and the more the merrier.
I see wedding cake in your future!

Heather said...

Congratulations to all of you!

Mikki said...

Congratulations! She looks like a lovely addition!!
Best regards concerning the bad news, sending prayers your way to help deal with whatever it might be. ♥♥♥

Camille said...

Congratulations to Jordan and Chelsey! I guess I'd better enjoy my title as "favorite aunt" for the next few months before it goes to its new owner!

Tracy said...

How exciting!! Congrats to the happy couple and parents!!

Isn't it truly fun to watch our children grow, make wise choices and be happy?!!! :-)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay for the good news! Now I am really curious about the other. said...

Hi Connie, I am visiting all my followers this week-end if it kills me. Congratulations to your family, especially your cute son.

What was the bad new?????

come visit

Chelsey said...

Hooray!!! I'm so excited to be a part of your amazing family! I'll gladly take every member of the bunch, I couldn't ask for more. I'm so happy!

Jenny said...

Sweet News! Will it be a summer or fall wedding?

Brenda said...

She is a cutie! And I think she's pretty lucky to be marrying into "the gang".

The Pettit Family said...

How exciting! Congratulations to Jordan and Chelsey.

Valerie said...

Thank heavens we have good news to help us deal with the bad. Congratulations to you and your family! Sorry about the sadness you're experiencing as well.