Saturday, May 1, 2010


This past week, at our school, was Teacher Appreciation week! 
We were mega spoiled! 

Everyday our wonderful, talented, PTA furnished lunch or breakfast for everyone who works at the school!  Local businesses donated gifts of every kind.  Donuts, muffins, candy, boxes of cookies or crackers, gift certificates, and make-up were all part of the fare.  (After all the goodies we ate, we could have used passes to the local gym!)

The teachers were amazed at the outpouring of gratitude.  Teachers were spotted walking down the hall with smiles on their faces!  It was a boost everyone needed to get through the last month of school. 

Everyone likes to feel appreciated!    

sidenote - One student gave me a Reeses peanut butter cup with this note attached:
There are many "Reese"-ons I'm glad you're my teacher.  Change the wording and it would be a cute handout for VT or any other "reese"-on!


Julie Harward said...

How nice to know you are appreciated, too bad it doesn't happen more often! Good little idea to share too. :D

Tracy said...

How FUN!! Teachers deserve the recognition!!

Thanks for sharing the cute idea!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is a cute idea.
I'm glad you were honored. You certainly deserve it.

Kerin said...

So nice that you were appreciated and pampered a bit!! Bet you will have a smile in your heart for a while :)
Beautiful, and cheerful decorations too. So, glad that you had a happy week :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a teacher of first graders, and Teacher Appreciation week is my FAVORITE holiday! :) How wonderful to have students making cute little puns. And Reese's cups are the best candy bars ever! You are soooo lucky! Our Teacher Appreciation week is a few weeks away. You just got me all excited about it!

Kristina P. said...

I love how punny that kid is!

CB said...

Teachers and those who work at schools are never honored enough and they do so much for society by teaching, molding and shaping those sweet little children!
I am so glad that you all were spoiled - You deserve it!

gigi said...

Our teachers don't get enough appreciation and it does a body good to hear of such a great week at your school!

Cute Idea eith the Reeses, my favorite candy bar, BTW!

Heather said...

That is great that the teachers have been walking around with smiles on their faces. That is wonderful idea to have Teacher Appreciation week right before the last month of school. It is always nice to get a boost right when we need it!

Karen Mello Burton said...

And the pun on Lorie's name just made it that much cuter!

Cheeseboy said...

That is great! Ours is this week! I am supposed to get a message after school. I don't think I'm doing it. Being the only guy teacher in a towel is a little too much for me.

Teachinfourth said...

Glad your appreciation week was awesome. Ours, like Cheeseboy's, is this week also. I always feel a little bit strange though when the office gives us notes to have the kids take home to remind parents that it's Teacher Appreciation week.

Feels kind of self-serving, you know?

Yvonne said...

I'm so glad that they have Teacher Appreciation Week. It is so deserved.

Love the little Reese's peanut butter cup idea--very cute.

Amy said...

How lovely! Those flowers are very pretty!

My fellow peeps and I were appreciated in March! However, ours was nothing this spectacular! That's fantastic that the community treats you this well.

Kerin said...

Around here, we try not to plant anything until after Mothers Day.
Then, it is generally considered safe.
But, this year, Mothers Day is early, and we have been slammed by bad we'll see.
My parents lived in Utah county forever, and their elevation isn't quite as high as ours and so they were always able to plant a few weeks before us.
Hope you are able to plant and seed and that everything thrives :)
Have a wonderful Sunday !

Valerie said...

Yay for Teacher Appreciation week! You deserve some appreciation and some pampering!

wendy said...

It is amazing to me the things people think of.
and it is nice to feel appreciated

Valerie said...

It's Teacher Appreciation this week at our school. I love my son's 1st grade teacher, so I think I'll send her a bag of Reese's minis! Thank you for the idea!