Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sports Bra Blues

My daughter, Candice, has 4 children. The oldest is 8; the youngest is a nursing baby of 3 months. 

Mr. Cy is 5-years-old.  His cousin, Ad, is also 5 and Candice tends Ad and her sis during the day.

Candice's birthday is coming up soon.  I asked her what she wanted.  She reluctantly named a few things and I jotted them down.  Later during the day, I received this text:

"Another idea...a really good sports bra for my gallon milk jugs.  I exercised this morning with the kids...Cy said to Ad, 'Look at my mom's lungs!  They're jumping!'"

(sorry, no video)


Karen Mello Burton said...

Jumping lungs can be such a bother. sigh

Julie Harward said...

HE HE! They say the truth don't they! Little stinkers! :D

gigi said...

That's the cutest thing I've heard all day! Kids say the darndest things.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Cheeseboy said...

Jumping lungs?! Ha ha! That's great.

Kristina P. said...

You clearly have the cutest grandkids.

Mikki said...

Oh my gosh. That is hysterical!! Gotta love the kindness of kids!!! I have a couple of those lungs myself, four kids will definitely do it to ya'!

Kerin said...

Out of the mouthes of babes :)
Isn't interesting how our kids can embarrass us like no one else ??!!
Happy bra shopping :)
Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend too !!

Tracy said...

Hilarious!! Thanks for the morning smile!!

Ya gotta love kids!! :-)

Enjoy your weekend. Happy jug holder shopping!! ;-)

KC said...

Oh Shoot! Love the "sorry, no video" comment too! I bet Candice is glad for that!

Melanie said...

I am sure Candice will thank you for your post :) However, I TOTALLY know how that feels. Bless her!

The Pettit Family said...

So funny...Gotta keep those lungs in check. Ask Laura where to find the best sports bra.

Barbaloot said...

Jumping lungs---now that's one I've never heard before:)

Jenny said...

LOL, Gotta love a child's version of life!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Hope she didn't injure her chin like is prone to happen with me sometimes! :)

Valerie said...

Oh gosh! That is hilarious! Kids say the darndest things. :)

Yvonne said...

Kids always keep us laughing, eh ; )

Brenda said...

Those jumping lungs...Hee! Hee! Too funny! What a cute wonderful family pic.
When I taught school we got a new principal...things are just DIFFERENT! I tend to really fight that CHANGE thing...til I realize that sometime change is good!
Good luck!

Valerie said...

As long as Cy keeps thinking those are lungs, everything will be okay!!
That is a hilarious story! Thanks for making me laugh!