Sunday, May 9, 2010

We all have one...

... so we should all celebrate!  I'm talking about mothers! 

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, patient, loving, smart, generous, sacrificing, fun, mother!

I will never be able to re-pay her for all she has done and still does for me! 
I love you, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day also to my fun, compassionate, hard-working mother-in-law! 

 I appreciate the fact she raised such a wonderful son and treats me as though I am her daughter.   Just a story about her:
One day, when I had 4 small children, she said to me, ""Your kids look just like 'Gs' kids!"  Then, as if lost in thought, she shuddered, "Oooohhh, those kids are ugly!"

I wonder what she meant by that!  
I love you too, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you!


Teachinfourth said...

Let's hear it for moms!

Kerin said...

Have a wonderful Mother's day!!
Hope it is a dish-pan hands free day at your house :)

Anonymous said...

Great post! Happy Mother's Day to you. Families are the BEST, and Moms are the glue that keeps them together.

Kristina P. said...

Happy Mother's Day, Connie!

Tracy said...

Enjoy your day!! :-) Mother's are the best!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Those are great pictures.
Happy Mothers Day.

Valerie said...

Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have a fantastic day.
Love the pictures of your mom and mother in law. And the story about you mil...priceless. She's a hoot! :)

Ann Marie said...

Happy Mothers Day Connie!

I love your old pictures.. and your tribute! Hope your spoiled and extra loved today!

Mikki said...

Great story! Love all the old family pics. So cool.
Thanks for your sweet comment today, I think I'll definitely go short.
Happy, Happy Mother's Day Connie!! Hope it's as awesome as you obviously are!

Kimmie said...

AWESOME old photos!! LOVE them.

I know that I can always be guaranteed a good laugh when I come to your Blog.

You always have a knack for telling a serious, heartfelt post and then you throw in some funny comment to make us laugh! You have a real talent for that.

What a blessing it is to be a mom and to be able to have one day a year to tribute and treat our moms and special women who influence us greatly with extra love and care.

Your family photo at the bottom is priceless. I bet growing up in your home with your and hubby was SO much fun!!

Hope you're having a wonderful Mother's Day!!

gigi said...

I see no ugly in that picture! Great story!
Happy Mother's Day, Connie.

wendy said...

I like all these mothers day posts and tributes. I love all the old photos .

Jill K said...

I see some ugly in that picture.. Its called teddy bear sweater.

Happy Mother's Day!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love all of those photos! Happy Mothers Day, friend.

KC said... are ROCKIN' that sweater!!!

Cheeseboy said...

Mother's Day is the best! Hope you had a great one.

Yvonne said...

Mom's are great. (Sure miss my mom and my MIL)

Hope you had a fabulous day.

Unknown said...

Happy Mother Day! I loved your post on Jill's blog. Fantastic!

Bill said...

Connie, After reading your mothers day comments,I feel I have to tell you how fortunate I am to have such an angel for a daughter. You are so loving and giving & always have been. Yesterday was so special, I am so blessed to have 3beautiful children, 18 wonderful grandchildren & almost 20 adorable great grandchildren.
Yesterday in church the mothers all received a placque which read,
"Blessings brighten when you Count them." Isn`t that the truth? You & your family & the others in our family are such a blessing to us.
Love you, Mom

Jenny said...

Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day!