Thursday, May 20, 2010

Letting Go

A few weeks ago we got caterpillars to put in our classroom.  We were intrigued with the growth that occurred every day!  With the proper nourishment, those caterpillars got bigger and bigger until they enveloped themselves in a secure and safe chrysallis while they transformed.  One by one the butterflies emerged from their chrysallis, drying and stretching their wings, anticipating their freedom.

This week we let the butterflies go.  They eagerly fluttered from their safe, yet stifling environment without so much as a backward glance.  Though some of the children were sad to see them go, we had to explain that it's just part of the process.

We have had 13 students in our transitional kindergarten class.  For the past nine months they have been enveloped in a protective environment with 3 adults who love and care for them as they learn academics, social skills and how to control some emotional outbursts.  They're stretching their wings now, anxious to move on.  Tomorrow we set them free.  They'll probably leave without a backward glance.  There will be mixed emotions as they go, but it's part of the process.  They won't leave empty handed; a part of our hearts will go with them.


Julie Harward said...

Thank goodness for women like you...mommies entrust their little ones fresh from the nest and you give them wings! :D

Cheeseboy said...

Very cool! 9 days until I set my little butterflies free and I couldn't be more relieved.

Kristina P. said...

And I'm sure they will fly wonderfully.

Anonymous said...

Well told. I'm looking forward to mine flying in 8.5 days as well! :)

Kerin said...

Great Post!
It is hard to let go.
They will do great and have such good memories of your time together:)
Have a wonderful evening!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh, that is so sweet. I bet it is hard to see your little ones move on from year to year.
I wonder if my teachers were sad to see me go.....probably not.

I love this post. You must be an incredible teacher.

gigi said...

I am so glad school is out tomorrow for the youngest and next Wed. for the older one!!
As a mother I always loved summer time with my boys. We were always up for the adventures of summer! I'm still that way even now with the GRANDS.

Kelly said...

So well written. Don't be too sad, you'll get new caterpillars next year.

Jenny said...

You guys are done? I am so jealous. We still have one more week.

I enjoyed your thoughts, and know what you mean. I have the same feelings towards my students.

Camille said...

Can I send my caterpillars to you for a year?

Sondra said...

I love your analogy of setting your butterflies loose. That is sweet! I love teachers! Especially good and loving one's like you! Letting them fly on their own! Priceless!

Karen Mello Burton said...

*sniff* Yup, the butterflies make a great end-of-the-year analogy!

Brenda said...

I fel more confident sending my daughter to school knowing there are teachers like you. Thank you! The world needs more teachers like you!
I love the analogy of the butterflies. That is wonderful!
Soon, my daughter will have her Kindergarten graduation. I will be thinking of the butterfly.

Have a great weekend!

Heather said...

I think butterflies are amazing. I remember watching one come out of a chrysallis as a child. I thought it was so amazing.

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful parallel!

Yvonne said...

Love it--thank you. (Yes, some times it's very hard to let go ; )

wendy said...

Letting Go is one of the hardest things for me EVER
no matter what it is
even though I KNOW it is life's process and how we grow

oh, the pain of letting go

Mikki said...

So sweet and touching!! I'm sure they'll look back on their time with you with fond memories. I remember my best teachers, and I'm sure you are one of that kind!!

Valerie said...

How lucky those caterpillars had such a warm, safe environment to change into butterflies in! Teachers are the lifeblood of schools!! Thank you for caring!