Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting Casual at Bloggers Conference

I had the opportunity to attend the Casual Bloggers Conference this weekend.  I met some awesome women!  Some I had only heard of or seen their names in others blogger's comments and some that I follow religiously but have never met!  We learned about photography, finding our voice, designing our blog, communication, and a ton of other useful information that I missed.  (So many choices, not enough time.)

It was awesome to meet Tauna of Garden of Egan!  What a beautiful, fun, funny, gracious, genuine person she is!  Her blog makes me laugh!  May I just add that she makes delicious chocolates!  Thanks Tauna!  Kazzy, from Kazzy's Ponderings was there too!  I love that woman, even though it looks like I'm ignoring her in the picture!
It's amazing to me how we're connected through blogging.   I think that if I met you, we would be best friends! 


Alexandra said...

I've often thought of meeting the bloggers I've come to wonderful.

Glad you had this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I love that idea and I can't wait to attend one of those conferences someday! Thanks for letting me know it's as amazing as you wanted it to be.

Linda said...

You got to meet Tauna!?! I'm so jealous!

It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time at the conference. I may just have to put this on my calendar for next year (is it a yearly thing?)

I don't know Kazzy. I'll check out her blog now.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I had no photo of you to post! My bad. I should have whipped my camera out when we were eating ostrich at that restaurant with the racy name.

Kristina P. said...

It was so fun! And good to see you again. I literally took one picture with my camera. I am a horrible blogger.

Jenny said...

What a great way to spend your weekend. Glad you got to go. I can't wait to attend the next one.

Kazzy is some one I would love to meet in person. I love her blog.

Tracy said...

Sounds like a fun and interesting time!! Yeah for you!! :-)

gigi said...

Some day I will meet all three of you!

Cheeseboy said...

Okay, I am going next year. If only so I can wear one of those hanging name badges that make me feel important.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Connie!!!!! It was so wonderful to get to meet you and have lunch together.
I was so scared to go and when we got to the GNO your daughter came right up to me and introduced herself and made me feel so welcome. She's a doll!
You were EXACTLY like I thought you would be from your blog. Kind, gracious, funny, darling. I totally loved you.

Valerie said...

How fun! Glad you had a great time and got to meet some new friends. And that they got to meet you as well! :)

Yvonne said...

How fun. It's always great to meet blogging friends.
When we meet fellow bloggers it's always so easy because we know so much about one another already.