Monday, May 10, 2010

TV Appearance

Just a heads up!  My beautiful daughter, Camille, will be on Channel 2 news at noon today.  Her segment will be about half way through the program.  Check her out!   I won't be able to since I'll be working. :-(

I had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I hope all of you did too!


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

OK, I didn't realize that was your daughter.
I won a cookbook last month from that little sweetheart!

Glad you had a great Mothers Day!

Julie Harward said...

I will watch for cool! I loved the post below too..very, very sweet! Come say hi :D

Cheeseboy said...

2 News - FRESH AIR?? Awesome.

Valerie said...

Shoot...I missed it! I bet it was great...whatever "it" was that she was doing...:)

Karen Mello Burton said...

She did a fantastic job. Glad we could watch it!

Bill said...

Hi Connie, We did see Camille on TV. You called her your beautiful daughter, I`ll have you know all my granddaughters are beautiful

Jenny said...

I missed it, I was working like you!

Anonymous said...

What was the segment about? I popped over to her blog but didn't see anything about the spot. Seems like I'm out of this channel 2 loop... must be local, and I'm in Texas. Hope it went well!

Small House said...

My computer is finally fixed and I am so happy!! I'm wondering if I her segment will be on their web-site!!!???? I'm going to go see.

Have a great day.

Kerin said...

Hi Connie!!
So glad that you had a wonderful Mother's day!! Yes, mine was great!! It was the two phone calls from our missionaries that made it the best :)
We've been out of town all day and just got back. I would have loved to see your daughter ! Maybe I can find her segment on the internet.

Unknown said...

That beautiful daughter of yours did a great job. We've watched it a couple of times, and she does a great job each time.