My last two posts have been about houses so I'll even it up by doing one more.
I tended 8 of my 10 grandchildren the other day. I knew I needed a project to keep them busy and happy and to keep me sane.
(Just doing a project with 8 kids under the age of 9 that involves acrylic paint, shows that I never was sane!)
I picked up some wooden bird houses at JoAnn's for $1.00.
Newspapers were spread out on the patio and the kids painted how ever and what ever they wanted. You can tell by C8's face that the paint wasn't just on the bird houses!
2-year-old T-Roy had his house painted in no time at all. He enjoyed mixing all the paint together on the plate and letting me know that he was making chocolate milk.
Baby Aly loved the project. She didn't do any painting but she did what ever she pleased. Notice the cereal in her right hand. Where did she get that?
Kels and Keiti show off the project.
Some flowers, feathers and pom poms added just the right amount of pizzazz that any bird would enjoy.
Have you done some fun projects or activities with your children?

What little sweeties and such creative bird houses! You are truly blessed.
JoAnn's huh? I think I may just go there. I'm having a granddaughter and my niece's daughter come for a few days this week and I'm looking for possible projects.
The pic of Baby Aly is so funny!
Looks like a fun time had by all!
I love this! It's so fun to see the different creativity of each child.
You are a great grandma!
I think you're one amazing Grandma!!
The grandkids don't look too bad either!! ;-)
You are a FUN grandma! I would NEVER do this. It includes LOTS of clean up :D. That is why I am the mean mom and you are the fun grandma. I always wanted to finger paint or just paint for that matter and now I know why my mom didn't let us.
It's official.
You are insane.
I wondered a time or two before, but now you have confirmed it.
Seriously.......looks like so much fun.
Those are some darling grandkids you have.
I've been taking my Utah grandkids (4 of them) one at a time this summer to be able to spend some time with them. The two oldest came before the wedding so we were very busy and made them work.
I did have the grandkids "paint" my patio last week. They used paintbrushes and water. They had a really hard time trying to get the whole patio painted before it "dried".
They were quite frustrated. It was hilarious.
What a great idea. It will be cute when they come over to grandma's and see their bird house in a tree.
You are such an awesome grandma. Why is it that the fun projects are always sooooooo messy?
I was once insane enough to have my class of 43 4th graders make individual paper machee (sp?) maps of California. Ah yes, I was young too. I remember now.
Your grandkids are adorable. :)
I LOVE "arts and crap" with kids! But 8 of them? You are one brave Gma! They are all really growing fast Connie, you had better enjoy them because before you know it they will want more to paint than just a bird house. :)
Hope things are coming along nicely with the wedding prep. Been thinking of you and sending up a prayer or two.
You brave woman, you! Looks like fun. I am so envious of the realtionships all of your grandkids are developing with eachother. When I was a kid I saw my cousins once a year.
As a teacher of 22 less than 8 year olds, I can say that you were very brave to do acrylic paints. Very brave indeed.
What a great and creative grandma you are!!!! I bet by the end of that day , you were ready for a bubble bath.
I am wanting to get some birdhouses for when my daughter and her 2 girls come to visit. I thought they'd have fun painting them each one, then we'd nail it on a fence post.
How is it you ended up with all those kids at the same time anyway??
You are a very brave grandma. I love this idea. They did such a great job--such creative birdhouses.
I think it is so great that all these little cousins get a chance to get together often. Way to go, grandma.
Looks like lots of fun. Maybe just a little bit crazy. Mimi
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