Not THAT kind of break!
The Hubs likes to play basketball 3 times a week with guys half his age and younger. Who says basketball is a non-contact sport? He wants me to believe his arm was caught in the hoop when he went up for a slam-dunk!
(Do you love the fireplace shot?)
What some guys won't do to get out of honey-do projects. Who's going to build the wedding backdrop now? (Sigh)
Poor Andy!

Hope he heals quickly. Question is will he be playing again once it is healed?
My hubby had to stop playing with the younger crowd after experiencing a twisted ankle that took a whole month to heal.
Sometimes I think they forget how old they really are. Since they are truly young at heart.
My hubby used to play every morning FOR YEARS. (I think he really misses playing today)
I hope Andy's arm heals quickly so he can get right back on the court.
Good luck with the wedding backdrop ; )
Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!! Just when he is needed so much. You had better call in the calvery! I've been thinking about you and all those little dresses you are having to make? Hope those things are coming along nicely. Oh well, hope Andy heals perfectly! I'll say a little prayer!
Darn it all !
Hope he heals up quick!!!
Wow, poor guy!
Church basketball is a blood sport. I don't know why our guys always think they can take on 18 year olds on the court and come out alive. I think the whole group of them should get together and build the backdrop under Andy's supervision. It's only right...
OH NOOOO! Not good. Hope it's a speedy and good recovery.
Ohhhhh, that is too bad. Hope he heals quickly . Love the pose at your mantel.
Uh oh! Church ball is brutal!
Nice pose, though! He could be on the cover of GQ...or would that be SI? (I hope that wasn't a totally inappropriate comment, since I've never read either magazine!)
Hopefully you can round up a crew to work on that backdrop...I know your family is multi-talented!!!
breaks are never ever good. glad he has at least a good story to go with his break. pretty sure i broke a bone in my hand, just about my right wrist (that's right, i'm left-handing this typing crap, one key at a time!) ...however, my lame-o story is that i was whooping the backside of a very naughty chesapeake bay retriever for digging out of & damaging the kennel for the 5th time THIS WEEK! ...aaaaaand he would NOT go into the dog crate. so i got ticked, and a bone got broken. ....aaaaand he's getting a new home asap, since he's long over-stayed his dog-sitting welcome that started last Christmas. >P
kudos to your hunny for not breaking something because of anger. :) doubt him??
Of course he broke it flying for that awesome slam dunk one of a kind, old man, I can't beat the pants of you young whipper snappers with one hand behind my back (or broken) anyday.
Take THAT!!!
you must be so proud.
Just found you through cheeseboy ... I'll definitely be back (I'm your newest follower!)
Just found you through cheeseboy ... I'll definitely be back (I'm your newest follower!)
What a handsome gent he is!
Once a hot shot always a hot shot! What a guy! ;D
Man, breakages are SO not cool...hope it heals up well and soon!
Oh so sorry about Andy breaking his arm. Hope it heals very quickly. Give him our best wishes and a big hug too.
If you need any help sewing, give me a call. i'd be glad to lend a hand.
Oh, ouch! I hope he is recovering well!
I'm so sorry about Andy's arm. I hope recovery goes well. Keep us posted on how things are going with the wedding.
Hope you have a nice weekend Connie. Thanks so much for your visits/kind comments.
Oh man although he doesn't look too sad!! I'm sure he'll be right back out there as soon as he can!
I've been hearing of more broken bones lately. I don't think your husband needs a second opinion on that xray!!
i like the fireplace shot. Shows a sign of verility...
Don't let him give my hubby any ideas to get out of projects!
See, this is exactly why, at the age of 35, I have retired forever from recreational basketball.
Well, he's still smiling despite the fireplace shot!! ;-) It's hard to know that we're not as young as we once were!!
Happy Healing!! :-)
Dang! That stinks! Poor guy! I wonder what the damage to the hoop was? :-)
Poor Andy is right!!! Darn it...that is quite the break!
I hope he is recovering and is back doing everything he loves to do in no time at all!!
LOVE the photo...your hubby looks like a sweet man. I am a photo LOVER and any photo is good.
Hope Connie is surviving this all well too! It's amazing how many things the men in our lives do for us and we usually realize real quick how much they do, when they all of a sudden have something like this happen.
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