(google images)
Bangerter Construction built this house and it's included in the Parade of Homes. Adam Bangerter and his brothers wanted to replicate the "Up" house because it's iconic and plays an important part in the movie. In an interview Adam said, "It illustrates what home ownership really is, and it’s not an investment. It’s part of the American dream to have a
house to care for, to improve and to make part of your family."
(google images)
This real life house looks exactly like the movie house, right down to the mail box and hose reel. Starting the end of July, there will be balloons attached to the chimney.
(Taken with my cell phone)
It's a fun sight to see and a good representation of life, love, sacrifice and family.

Well for cute! I loved that movie too! This a must see if I ever get to come back out there!
I saw that on the news and thought it was so cool. They ought to hold a contest now and give it away to a couple with the names, Carl & Ellie! ;D
I LOVE this house. It's the perfect storybook house.
THAT is awesome!
I'm going to have to make a trip to Utah just to see it!
I have never seen that movie...however, I did see just one little bit of it at my granddaughter's home and the little bit I DID see was of THIS HOUSE!...and I sat there memorized by it. Totally in awe. So it's no wonder someone wanted to duplicate it.
I decided I wanted to go to the Parade of Homes this year, without even knowing about the house. I'm doubly excited now!
Loved that movie and would love to see this replica of the house in it. What a great idea, I'll bet the inside is as cute as the outside. Thanks for sharing.
How cool is that??!!!
Thanks for sharing!! I live in a cave and would have never known about this!! ;-) Really, I find it totally interesting!! :-)
It just makes me smile!!! :-)
Wow, that is news to me. How cute the house is. That is really going to be cool when they attach the balloons.
I am probably the only person on the planet who hasn't seen this movie!!!
Cool looking house though! Hmmm...we're looking for a new house~...
Perfect!! It looks so happy ~ just the way a home should be.
Thanks so much for stopping by...I really appreciate it.
That is so cute. LOVE IT. Please take a picture when it's got the balloons--that will be so fun.
To live in such a cute little place, with so much personality and uniqness would make me absolutely giddy with joy.
what a great idea...and when they put the balloons on it....everyone will be anxious to see it
it's the kind of "fanciful" we all need in our lives.
I loved the movie and had no idea about the house! Guess, I'll have to take a drive and go find it!
Gosh honey I have missed you! Can not believe I am so far behind with my blogging buddies. Where do the days go.
Love love this post and this home is just adorable. I could see me living happily ever after in it
Sorry about hubbies break. Wow that looks so painful. Hope he slows down long enough to heal..lol
You got to see it? I heard about it on the news. Pretty cute!
i can't wait to go to the house. parade of homes really knew what to do to increase business this year didn't they. i haven't gone in years but this year i'm in!
That is adorable and would be great fun to tour.
Thanks for the comment on my post about my sis. I found an old, old postcard at an antique store with the monkeys on it!!!!!
So adorable! We might need to go take a look at it. So sorry about your honey. Mine still thinks he's as athletic now as he was at 25! Uhhhh, not so much. Mimi
I want to live in it.
Please take video and post it when they get it off the ground.
Loved that movie. Made me cry like a baby.
I will have to see that movie.
Where is the house? I want to see it too.
When is the parade of homes? I would like to go to it.
Saw this house on the news. Gonna take the boys soon.
i'd heard about this, even clear up here in washington! :) so neat that you've seen it in person. probably one of my fave famous houses of all time now. ::hugs::
Y'all are so lucky to be able to visit that house. I love it.
How fun! What's the plan with the house?
I think I would be driving by that house every day if I lived near it. SO ADORABLE!!
I wish we lived closer and could go on the tour...I love going to the Parade of Homes. Such fun ideas and I would love to see what they did for the inside of this UP house!
The house is listed for $399,000. It's 2800 sq.feet and will be available after the parade of homes.
You don't even know how much I love this house! Where is Harriman, UT? I want to go to there.
Wait'll I show my husband - he'll flip. He loved that movie.
looks like I need to start saving my pennies! Where is it located??
Another reason to visit Utah...
That is so neat! I would love to see it in person :-D
Okay, now THAT is awesome...
I really loved the movie 'Up'! You're right, Connie! It's a movie you could watch over and over. That real life house is absolutely stunning! I'm a big fan of these storybook houses! Last year, I visited 'The Witch's House' from Beverly Hills and I liked it very much! The owner is a real estate agent named Michael Libow and you can also see this gorgeous house in the 1995 movie 'Clueless'.
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