Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Shortly after Andy and I were married, I came down with a bad cold. The cough was deep and annoying. One day, while at my in-laws house, my mother-in-law heard my cough and offered to give me some of my father-in-law's prescription cough medicine. Since I was tired of coughing and didn't want to seem disrespectful or unappreciative, I took her up on her offer. She opened the bottle of the menacing-looking potion, took a serving spoon and poured the thick, golden liquid up to the rim of the spoon. She warned me that it might not taste very good. Not wanting to seem like a wimp, I opened wide and took every last drop of that elixir! I couldn't believe the horrific, burning, gaggy, taste! Tears streamed down my face, I ran to the bathroom crying and scratching my tongue to get the taste out of my mouth. (So much for making a good impression) I spit and gagged and couldn't get my breath. My mother-in-law watched in horror and confusion. She said, "I know Clint didn't like the taste of it but he never acted like this!" She smelled the remaining contents in the bottle, then, with authority in her voice, she called out, "Who put the dog shampoo in this medicine bottle!" We've had a good laugh over it since, and I must admit, I didn't cough after that dose of medicine...I didn't dare!
I hope you all stay healthy this year!


The Newest Mexicans said...

C'mon... Really? Oh man if that's true that may be the greatest thing I've heard in a long time. But, who DID put dog shampoo in the medicine bottle?

gigi said...

I am still laughing, I'm so sorry to laugh at you :)
It's been the best part of my whole morning.
You rock!

Unknown said...

That is halarious!! You know, I've heard of mother-in-laws doing some harsh things before, but...WOW! I bet she felt terrible! GREAT story! And hey, if it cured the cough, maybe there is some $ in that there receipe!

Julie said...

Oh. NO. Did she do it on purpose?!

Camille said...

oh - I gag EVERY time I hear that story! :(
So... did it cure your cough?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sounds like a hazing to me.

Ann Marie said...

Ew.... You poor..poor thing.

Funny.. but sad.

Hey.. I answered your question on my blog. I was going to e-mail you.. but someone else asked too.. so I figured I'd just type it out once. :) Have a good day!

peggy said...

I think you just cured my cough.

Barbaloot said...

Well--if you didn't cough again, maybe it works? :)

Tracy said...

Too funny!! that is!! Thanks for sharing an uplifting funny story, it's just what the Dr. ordered!! :-)

Julie Harward said...

How very funny! Well, did you remain friends with the mother in law? Almost sounds like a devious plan LOL Glad you got over it! :D

Valerie said...

But I bet your hair was nice and smooth...and you probably didn't get fleas! :)
And Connie, there is a girl in our ward with a pink and gray plaid coat just like yours! I almost laughed right out loud when she walked in! :) She, however, was not wearing pink, plastic boots. She is about 10 years old, so I thought you would get a chuckle out of that!

Sondra said...

LOL!! Oh my goodness!! LOL!! Can't stop laughing... Thanks - I needed a good belly laugh today.

Kimmie said...

I needed that laugh today! (I thought you were going to say they gave you "Paragoric").

It's my first week back to working a FULL week of work. (worked 2 days the week of Christmas and 3 days the week of New Years) and so today feels like it should be Friday not Wednesday.

Thanks for making me chuckle this afternoon! Hope you're having a great day!

Connie said...

Just for the record. I love my mother-in-law and we get along great. It really was an accident or maybe Andy's little brothers did it on purpose...hmmm...there's some food for thought.
Valerie, next time you see that 10 year old with her coat, ask her what her coat's name is! THAT I'd like to know!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh, that's hilarious! Did you start wagging your tail?
YUK, I'm still shuddering!

Yvonne said...

Seriously--my goodness. That is HILARIOUS. I thought I had a good "mean mother-in-law" story ; ) (Oh, and it's about me being the mean one, not my sweet MIL ; )

CB said...

Good one - What a funny and great memory! I am sure you two must have bonded over that!!!

Valerie said...

That's awful! I can't imagine tasting that. My mother-in-law gave me honey and lemon juice once, but it really was honey and lemon juice. She tried to talk me into a few "interesting" Ecuadorian cures, but I wouldn't do it.

Fahrenheit 350° said...

That is awesome! I can't believe you drank that! Terrible!

Small House said...


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Oh no! LOL very funny story!


Michelle said...

Can't. Stop. Laughing. But better than not being able to stop coughing, apparently!

Emma said...

So dang funny!!

Sharon said...

Thank you for all making us have a wonderful, good laugh.

Valerie said...

I am laughing outloud. I wonder if I woke the sleeping members of my household?
This reminds me of the time my nephew, who was staying at our house, came out of the bathroom complaining about the horrible toothpaste we had. He had grabbed the tube of diaper rash oinment instead of the toothpaste!