Monday, February 15, 2010

Making Memories

Today I rode to Ogden, in this car, with my son and daughter. 

I visited with my parents, my sister, my children, my grandchildren, and my niece.
It was a great visit as we ate good food, looked at old photo albums, reminisced, laughed, and gave hugs.
It's wonderful to have family. It was good to have a day off to spend time with my family.
My friend, Kazzy, is a beautiful singer.  Each Monday, on her blog, she sings a song.  Today was the Sarah Mclauchlan song, "I Will Remember You."
"I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories."

Listening to her song, makes me realize how important it is to spend time with our loved ones so we can make good memories. 

BTW, I got to drive Jordan's car.  Once it's in the 6th gear, that thing really flies! I had to be careful though, I have too many memories of flashing lights in my rear view mirror and speeding tickets that prevented me from really letting that car reach its potential! 
Have a wonderful, memorable day!


wendy said...

OH, I am so glad you got to spend such a fun day with all those family members.

I am jealous, (wiping away a little tear)
but I'll be seeing my brood again in April

gotta hold on to the memories for sure.

Valerie said...

That's great that your parents are pretty close. My parents are in Utah, but my grandparents are out of state so my parents don't get to see them often.

Julie Harward said...

Hum, a pedal to the metal lady are you? Me too! How nice you got to be with family today...those are the best times! Cute car too! I will go check your friends blog since I sing too, that will be fun! Come say hi :D

Michelle said...

6th gear? Silly, uncar me - I didn't know they made them that way :)

And that song? Definitely one of my all time favorites!

Kristina P. said...

That is one hot car!

Tracy said...

Sounds like a great day, and I'm sure getting to drive "that" car made it even a better & Faster day!! ;-)

Glad you had FUN!!

CB said...

Love the car and I would have so much fun in it if I could drive 55 - ha ha Just kidding!
I bet you had a ball behind the wheel.
Sounds like you had such a wonderful day visiting family :D

Ann Marie said...

The song and statement is so true.. especially now that I know someone with a Serious Disease.

I try to make sure my friends.. family.. all know how much I love them EACH time I leave them. We are all going to die.. we just never know when our time it's good for me to remember to Love, be happy and cherish all of those "moments"..

PS: That car is HAWT!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out!

Cool car! I'll bet you looked stylin' driving that!

Yvonne said...

Envious of you getting to spend time with family--so glad you enjoyed it. It is wonderful to be able to do that. Thank goodness for memories--and photo albums, eh ; )

Love the car--fun, fun, fun. said...

Very cool wheels. Sounds like a wonderful day with family. I sing too, love that song.

You ask me for my mothers name, you were close, it's Elaine.

Have a great day

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Darling car!!! I would love to sit in the driver's seat of that one.

Ya, those flashing lights.....not good.

Hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

glad you didn't go crazy at the wheel! don't want any of THOSE lights in our rear mirror!

Emma said...

Nice ride!!!! Glad you had a good day!!!

Kimmie said...

It is a wonderful thing to have a family!!

I love that song and I love thinking of the words. It is SO important to spend time together and create memories.

We can't take any of our possessions with us...we will only take our knowledge and memories.

We were in Utah for President's Day weekend. We went and listened to Music and the Spoken Word with my parents. It was great to spend some time with them.

Your weather is SO nice down there and I can't believe there is green grass, tulips sprouting up, etc...

Hope this finds you having a wonderful day, creating lots of great memories!

Valerie said...

Cool car!

Glad you got to spend time with loved ones. That's what's life really about isn't it?